原文&圖片來源:EHS Today (2018/02/01)
文章作者: Stefanie Valentic
ISO 45001 職場健康及安全管理系統,是一個由全球標準組織帶頭加上美國安全工程協會的支持下推動的自願共識模型。
「ISO 45001是過去50年來工作場所安全方面最重要的發展之一,為減少職業安全和健康風險提供了一個機會。」美國技術顧問組織(TAG)主席 Vic Toy在聲明中說道。 「目標是在於創造一個被廣泛接受的標準,可以在日趨互聯的世界中製造一個高效的安全及健康管理系統,無論組織的規模、地點、供應練或是工作性質。它已成為實踐的最低標準,並且是一個好的標準。」
「ISO 45001一個重要的層面就是它是如何在組織中與流程及目標相結合。」Toy說。「每個人在管理系統中都有各自的角色及責任。安全及衛生成為一個共同的目標,當做的正確時,整個組織會大大的受益於這個有凝聚性的管理風險方法。」
此標準融合了 ANSI/ASSE Z10、OHSAS 18001、ISO 14001、ISO 9001等環安衛管理系統、以及來自國際勞工組織和其他多種國家標準的準則。 ISO 45001將取代英國標準OHSAS 18001。
「每個產業的事業都需要更好的風險管理,不只是保護人力資本,更是達到成長及永續目標並同時改善事業的基礎。Kathy A. Seabrook, TAG 的副主席在一份聲明中說道。「ISO 45001 是一個幫助組織機構達成上述這些目標的工具。」
已獲得OHSAS 18001驗證者將會有三年的轉換期。
ISO 45001 Globally Aligns Workplace Safety Efforts
New safety standard provides framework to improve business outcomes.
Stefanie Valentic | Feb 01, 2018
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has approved a global measure aimed at improving workplace safety and reducing risk.
ISO 45001, Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems, is a voluntary consensus model spearheaded by the global standards organization along with support from the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE).
“ISO 45001 is one of the most significant developments in workplace safety over the past 50 years, presenting an opportunity to move the needle on reducing occupational safety and health risks,” said Vic Toy, U.S. technical advisory group (TAG) chair, in a statement. “The goal was to create a widely accepted standard that can produce a highly effective safety and health management system for an increasingly interconnected world, regardless of an organization’s size, location, supply chains or nature of work. It becomes a minimum standard of practice, and a good one at that.”
There are 2.8 million workplace fatalities across the globe each year. The voluntary consensus standard provides a framework for businesses that can increase employee safety, reduce workplace risks and improve business outcomes worldwide, according to ASSE.
According to ISO, 93 percent of its members voted in favor of the new international standard, far above the organization’s requirement of a two-thirds majority.
The process of developing the standard included seeking input from more than 75 countries. The end goal is to encourage safer and healthier workplaces globally as companies adopt the groundbreaking standard to reduce injuries, illnesses and fatalities, according to ASSE.
“A significant aspect of ISO 45001 is how it works within an organization to integrate with processes and goals,” Toy said. “Everyone has a role and responsibility in the management system. Safety and health becomes a shared objective, and when done right, the organization greatly benefits from this cohesive way of managing risks.”
The standard blends EHS management systems such as ANSI/ASSE Z10, OHSAS 18001, ISO 14001, ISO 9001, guidelines from the International Labor Organization and other various national standards. ISO 45001 will replace OHSAS 18001, a British standard.
“Better management of risk is needed by businesses in every industry to not only protect their human capital, but to achieve growth and sustainability objectives while improving their bottom line,” Kathy A. Seabrook, TAG vice chair, in a statement. “ISO 45001 is a tool to help organizations do just that.”
There will be a three-year transition period for registrants.
ISO 45001:2018 (原OHSAS 18001)職業安全衛生管理系統
【國際譯文】ISO 45001 職業安全衛生管理系統標準:改變的好處
【國際譯文】ISO 45001 一致化全球工作場所安全的努力
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